Tag Archives: garden

Gardening – Spring

Last September when my mother was staying at my place for a long while we managed to plant some things in my garden and greenhouse. Which have finally started to do something.

These are the purple Adium planted just opposite the main flower bed.

Iris next to the flowerbed.

Not entirely sure what this was – I assume it was something planted in the middle of the flowerbed.

Orange Peppers.

I dug up the bulbs we planted in the middle of the flowerbed because I wanted to take them with me to the new house. I also planted some multicolour Sparaxis (which you can see next to it) which are already sprouting – hoping to take it to the new house agian.

And Ive also forgotten what these are, but they are grown outside the greenhouse and have done amazing in the last 2 weeks. They only really broke the surface of the soil 3 weeks ago and have grown hugely.

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